A Master In The Studio - Elvis In Nashville
Disc 1
- Milky White Way (take 3)
- Milky White Way (take 5)
- Milky White Way (take 7b master)
- Milky White Way (takes 1,2,4,6,7a)
- His Hand In Mine (take 1b)
- His Hand In Mine (take 4b)
- His Hand In Mine (take 5)
- His Hand In Mine (spliced master)
- His Hand In Mine (takes 1a,2,3,4a)
- I Believe In The Man In The Sky (take 1b)
- I Believe In The Man In The Sky (take 4 master)
- I Believe In The Man In The Sky (takes 1a,2,3)
- He Knows Just What I Need (take 1)
- He Knows Just What I Need (take 4)
- He Knows Just What I Need (take 7)
- He Knows Just What I Need (take 8)
- He Knows Just What I Need (take 9)
- He Knows Just What I Need (take 10 master)
- He Knows Just What I Need (takes 2,3,5,6)
- Surrender (take 1)
- Surrender (take 2)
- Surrender (take 4 master)
- Surrender (take 6)
- Surrender (take 9)
- Surrender (takes 3,5,7,8 & workpart takes 1-7)
Disc 2
- Mansion Over The Hilltop (take 1)
- Mansion Over The Hilltop (take 3b master)
- Mansion Over The Hilltop (takes 2,3a)
- In My Father's House (take 7b)
- In My Father's House (take 8)
- In My Father's House (composite master)
- In My Father's House (takes 1-7a & workpart take 1)
- Joshua Fit The Battle (take 1)
- Joshua Fit The Battle (take 2b)
- Joshua Fit The Battle (take 4 master)
- Joshua Fit The Battle (takes 2a,3)
- Swing Down Sweet Chariot (take 3)
- Swing Down Sweet Chariot (take 4 master)
- Swing Down Sweet Chariot (takes 1,2)
- I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 1 master)
- I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 3)
- I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 4)
- I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 5)
- I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (take 2)
- If We Never Meet Again (take 1 master)
- Known Only To Him (take 2)
- Known Only To Him (take 5b master)
- Known Only To Him (takes 1,3,4,5a)
- Crying In The Chapel (take 3 master)
- Crying In The Chapel (takes 1,2)
- Working On The Building (take 1b)
- Working On The Building (take 2)
- Working On The Building (take 4b)
- Working On The Building (take 5 master)
- Working On The Building (takes 1a,3,4a)
Disc 3
- I'm Comin' Home (take 2b)
- I'm Comin' Home (take 3)
- I'm Comin' Home (take 4)
- I'm Comin' Home (take 7 master)
- I'm Comin' Home (takes 1,2a,5,6a,6b)
- Gently (take 2)
- Gently (take 3)
- Gently (take 4)
- Gently (take 5b master)
- Gently (takes 1,5a)
- In Your Arms (take 1)
- In Your Arms (take 2 master)
- Give Me The Right (take 1)
- Give Me The Right (take 2)
- Give Me The Right (take 4 master)
- Give Me The Right (take 3)
- I Feel So Bad (take 1)
- I Feel So Bad (take 2 master)
- It's A Sin (take 2b)
- It's A Sin (take 4 master)
- It's A Sin (takes 1,2a,3)
- I Want You With Me (take 1)
- I Want You With Me (take 2 master)
- I Want You With Me (tryout)
Disc 4
- There's Always Me (take 1b)
- There's Always Me (take 2b)
- There's Always Me (take 4)
- There's Always Me (take 9)
- There's Always Me (take 10 master)
- There's Always Me (takes 1a,2a,3,5a,5b,5c,6,7a,7b,7c,8a,8b,8c,8d,8e)
- Starting Today (take 1)
- Starting Today (take 2)
- Starting Today (take 3b master)
- Starting Today (take 3a)
- Sentimental Me (take 1)
- Sentimental Me (take 2b master)
- Sentimental Me (take 2a)
- Judy (take 1c)
- Judy (take 4)
- Judy (take 8 master)
- Judy (takes 1a,1b,2,3,5-7)
- Put The Blame On Me (take 2)
- Put The Blame On Me (take 5 master)
- Put The Blame On Me (takes 1a,1b,3,4)
Disc 5
- Kiss Me Quick (take 1)
- Kiss Me Quick (take 2)
- Kiss Me Quick (take 3)
- Kiss Me Quick (take 4)
- Kiss Me Quick (take 6)
- Kiss Me Quick (take 7)
- Kiss Me Quick (take 9)
- Kiss Me Quick (take 10)
- Kiss Me Quick (take 11)
- Kiss Me Quick (take 12 master)
- Kiss Me Quick (takes 5,8)
- That's Someone You Never Forget (take 1)
- That's Someone You Never Forget (take 5)
- That's Someone You Never Forget (take 7)
- That's Someone You Never Forget (take 8 master)
- That's Someone You Never Forget (takes 2,3,4a,4b,6a,6b)
- I'm Yours (single version take 1)
- I'm Yours (single version take 2c)
- I'm Yours (single version take 4)
- I'm Yours (single version take 5)
- I'm Yours (single version take 6)
- I'm Yours (single version, composite master)
- I'm Yours (single version takes 2a,2b,3a,3b & workpart takes 1,2)
- I'm Yours (album version, vocal overdub take 1d)
- I'm Yours (album version, vocal overdub take 3b)
- I'm Yours (album version, vocal overdub take 5)
- I'm Yours (album version, vocal overdub take 6)
- I'm Yours (album version, composite master)
Disc 6
- His Latest Flame (take 2b)
- His Latest Flame (take 3b)
- His Latest Flame (take 4)
- His Latest Flame (take 6)
- His Latest Flame (take 8 master)
- His Latest Flame (take 12b)
- His Latest Flame (takes 1a,1b,1c,2a,3a,5a,5b,5c,5d,7,9-11,12a)
- Little Sister (take 3b)
- Little Sister (take 6)
- Little Sister (take 9b)
- Little Sister (take 12 master)
- Little Sister (takes 1,2,3a,4,5,7,8a,8b,9a,10,11)
Disc 7
- For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 1)
- For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 2)
- For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 4)
- For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 5b)
- For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 6)
- For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 7b)
- For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 8)
- For The Millionth And The Last Time (take 12 master)
- For The Millionth And The Last Time (takes 3,5a,7a,9,10a,10b,11)
- Good Luck Charm (take 1)
- Good Luck Charm (take 4 master)
- Good Luck Charm (takes 2a,2b,3)
- Anything That's Part Of You (take 1)
- Anything That's Part Of You (take 2)
- Anything That's Part Of You (take 3)
- Anything That's Part Of You (take 5)
- Anything That's Part Of You (take 8b)
- Anything That's Part Of You (take 9)
- Anything That's Part Of You (take 10 master)
- Anything That's Part Of You (takes 4,6a,6b,7,8a)
Disc 8
- I Met Her Today (take 1)
- I Met Her Today (take 4)
- I Met Her Today (take 6b)
- I Met Her Today (take 7)
- I Met Her Today (take 9)
- I Met Her Today (take 13)
- I Met Her Today (take 14)
- I Met Her Today (take 16c)
- I Met Her Today (take 18b master)
- Night Rider (take 1b)
- Night Rider (take 2)
- Night Rider (take 3 master)
- Night Rider (take 1a)
Disc 9
- Something Blue (take 1)
- Something Blue (take 2b)
- Something Blue (take 4)
- Something Blue (take 6)
- Something Blue (take 7 master)
- Something Blue (takes 2a,3a,3b,5)
- Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 1)
- Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 2)
- Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 4)
- Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 5)
- Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 6)
- Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (take 7b master)
- Gonna Get Back Home Somehow (takes 3a,3b,7a)
- Easy Question (take 2)
- Easy Question (take 3b)
- Easy Question (take 5 master)
- Easy Question (takes 1,3a,4)
- Fountain Of Love (take 2)
- Fountain Of Love (take 6)
- Fountain Of Love (take 9)
- Fountain Of Love (take 10 master)
- Fountain Of Love (takes 1,3a,3b,4a,4b.5,7,8)
- Just For Old Times Sake (take 1)
- Just For Old Times Sake (take 4b)
- Just For Old Times Sake (take 5 master)
- Just For Old Times Sake (takes 2a,2b,3,4a)
- Night Rider (remake take 3)
- Night Rider (remake take 5, unused master)
- Night Rider (remake jam, takes 1,2,4)
- You'll Be Gone (take 1)
- You'll Be Gone (take 2)
- You'll Be Gone (take 3 master)
- You'll Be Gone (take 4b)
- You'll Be Gone (take 4a)
Disc 10
- I Feel That I've Known You Forever (take 1)
- I Feel That I've Known You Forever (take 2)
- I Feel That I've Known You Forever (take 3b)
- I Feel That I've Known You Forever (take 5 master)
- I Feel That I've Known You Forever (takes 3a,4a,4b)
- Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 1)
- Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 2)
- Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 3)
- Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 4)
- Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 5)
- Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (take 6 master)
- Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello (rehearsal)
- Suspicion (take 1)
- Suspicion (take 2)
- Suspicion (take 4)
- Suspicion (take 5)
- Suspicion (composite master)
- Suspicion (take 3)
- She's Not You (take 1)
- She's Not You (take 2b)
- She's Not You (take 3 master)
- She's Not You (take 3 & unused workpart takes 1-4)
Disc 11
- Echoes Of Love (take 3)
- Echoes Of Love (take 8)
- Echoes Of Love (take 10 master)
- Echoes Of Love (takes 1,2,4-7,9)
- Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 1)
- Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 2b)
- Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 5b)
- Please Don't Drag That String Around (take 6 master)
- Please Don't Drag That String Around (takes 2a,3,4,5a)
- Devil In Disguise (take 3b)
- Devil In Disguise (take 6b master)
- Devil In Disguise (takes 1,2,3a,4,5,6a)
- Never Ending (take 1b)
- Never Ending (take 3 master)
- Never Ending (takes 1a,2)
- What Now, What Next, Where To (take 1 master)
- Witchcraft (take 1)
- Witchcraft (take 2)
- Witchcraft (take 3 master)
- Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers (take 1)
- Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers (take 3 master)
- Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers (take 2)
- Love Me Tonight (take 1)
- Love Me Tonight (take 4)
- Love Me Tonight (take 5b)
- Love Me Tonight (take 8 master)
- Love Me Tonight (takes 2,3,5a,6,7)
Disc 12
- Memphis, Tennessee (1963 take 1b)
- Memphis, Tennessee (1963 take 2)
- Memphis, Tennessee (1963 take 1a)
- Long Lonely Highway (take 1, single master)
- Long Lonely Highway (take 2, album master)
- Ask Me (1963 take 1b)
- Ask Me (1963 take 2)
- Ask Me (1963 take 4)
- Ask Me (1963 take 6c)
- Ask Me (1963 takes 1a,3,5,6a,6b)
- Western Union (take 1b)
- Western Union (take 3b)
- Western Union (take 4 master)
- Western Union (takes 1a,2,3a)
- Slowly But Surely (take 1)
- Slowly But Surely (take 5 master)
- Slowly But Surely (takes 2-4)
- Blue River (take 2)
- Blue River (spliced master)
- Blue River (take 1)
Disc 13
- Memphis, Tennessee (remake take 1)
- Memphis, Tennessee (remake take 5)
- Memphis, Tennessee (remake take 6 master)
- Memphis, Tennessee (remake takes 2,3)
- Ask Me (remake take 2)
- Ask Me (remake take 3)
- Ask Me (remake take 7)
- Ask Me (remake take 9)
- Ask Me (remake take 11 master)
- Ask Me (remake takes 1,4,6,8,10)
- It Hurts Me (take 1)
- It Hurts Me (take 5 master)
- It Hurts Me (takes 2-4)
Disc 14
- Run On (take 2)
- Run On (take 6)
- Run On (take 7 master)
- Run On (takes 1,3-5)
- How Great Thou Art (take 2)
- How Great Thou Art (take 4 master)
- How Great Thou Art (takes 1,3)
- Stand By Me (take 2)
- Stand By Me (take 7)
- Stand By Me (take 10b)
- Stand By Me (take 11 master)
- Stand By Me (takes 1,3-6,8,9,10a)
- Where No One Stands Alone (composite master)
- Where No One Stands Alone (takes 1-4, workpart takes 1-3,5)
- Down In The Alley (take 1)
- Down In The Alley (take 6)
- Down In The Alley (take 9 master)
- Down In The Alley (takes 2-5,7.8)
- Tomorrow Is A Long Time (take 2b)
- Tomorrow Is A Long Time (take 3 master)
- Tomorrow Is A Long Time (takes 1,2a)
Disc 15
- Love Letters (take 2)
- Love Letters (take 7)
- Love Letters (take 8)
- Love Letters (take 9 master)
- Love Letters (takes 1,3-6)
- So High (take 1)
- So High (take 3)
- So High (take 4 master)
- So High (take 2)
- Farther Along (spliced master)
- Farther Along (takes 1,2)
- By And By (take 4b)
- By And By (take 9b)
- By And By (take 10 master)
- By And By (takes 1-3, 4a,5-8,9a)
- In The Garden (take 3 master)
- In The Garden (takes 1,2)
- Beyond The Reef (take 2 undubbed master)
- Beyond The Reef (overdubbed master)
- Beyond The Reef (take 1)
Disc 16
- Somebody Bigger Than You And I (take 11)
- Somebody Bigger Than You And I (take 12)
- Somebody Bigger Than You And I (take 15b)
- Somebody Bigger Than You And I (composite master)
- Somebody Bigger Than You And I (takes 1-10,13,14,15a,16 & workpart takes 1-6)
- Without Him (take 1)
- Without Him (take 8b)
- Without Him (take 12 master)
- Without Him (take 14)
- Without Him (takes 2-8a,9-11,13)
- If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (take 1)
- If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (take 4)
- If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (take 5 master)
- If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (take 6)
- If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (takes 2,3)
- Where Could I Go But To The Lord (take 2 master)
- Where Could I Go But To The Lord (take 1)
- Come What May (take 2)
- Come What May (take 4)
- Come What May (take 6)
- Come What May (take 7)
- Come What May (take 8 master)
- Come What May (takes 1,3,5)
- Fools Fall In Love (take 4)
- Fools Fall In Love (take 5 master)
- Fools Fall In Love (take 1)
Disc 17
- Indescribably Blue (vocal overdub take 1)
- Indescribably Blue (vocal overdub take 2 master)
- I'll Remember You (vocal overdub take 2)
- I'll Remember You (edited spliced master)
- I'll Remember You (unedited master)
- I'll Remember You (vocal overdub takes 1,3)
- If Everyday Was Like Christmas (take 2, undubbed master)
- If Everyday Was Like Christmas (overdubbed master)
- If Everyday Was Like Christmas (take 1)
- Suppose (#1, original home recording 1966)
- Suppose (#2, original home recording 1966)
- Suppose (overdubbed master)
Disc 18
- Guitar Man (take 5b)
- Guitar Man (take 9)
- Guitar Man (take 12b undubbed unedited master)
- Guitar Man - What'd I Say (overdubbed unedited master)
- Guitar Man (master)
- Guitar Man (takes 1-4,5a,6,7,10,11,12a)
- Big Boss Man (take 2c)
- Big Boss Man (take 9b)
- Big Boss Man (take 11 master)
- Big Boss Man (takes 1,2a,2b,3-5,7,8,9a)
- Mine (take 4)
- Mine (take 7b instrumental)
- Mine (take 9)
- Mine (take 13)
- Mine (master)
- Mine (takes 1-3,5,6,7a,8)
- Singing Tree (take 1)
- Singing Tree (take 4)
- Singing Tree (take 8)
- Singing Tree (take 13, unused master)
- Singing Tree (takes 2,10)
- Just Call Me Lonesome (take 1 master)
- Just Call Me Lonesome (take 4)
- Just Call Me Lonesome (take 6)
- Just Call Me Lonesome (takes 3,5)
Disc 19
- Hi-Heel Sneakers (take 5)
- Hi-Heel Sneakers (take 7 unedited master)
- Hi-Heel Sneakers (master)
- Hi-Heel Sneakers (takes 1,6)
- You Don’t Know Me (take 2)
- You Don't Know Me (spliced master)
- You Don't Know Me (spliced single master)
- We Call On Him (take 2)
- We Call On Him (take 3)
- We Call On Him (take 5)
- We Call On Him (take 7)
- We Call On Him (take 8)
- We Call On Him (take 9 master)
- We Call On Him (takes 1,4)
- You'll Never Walk Alone (take 1)
- You'll Never Walk Alone (take 2b)
- You'll Never Walk Alone (spliced master)
- You'll Never Walk Alone (takes 2a,3-6,8)
- Singing Tree (remake take 3)
- Singing Tree (remake master)
- Singing Tree (remake takes 1,2)
Disc 20
- Too Much Monkey Business (take 10)
- Too Much Monkey Business (overdubbed master)
- Too Much Monkey Business (takes 1,3,4,6,9,12)
- Goin' Home (take 21)
- Goin' Home (take 23)
- Goin' Home (take 29)
- Goin' Home (take 30 master)
- Goin' Home (takes 2-5,9-12,14,16-20,22,24,25,28)
Disc 21
- Stay Away (take 2b)
- Stay Away (take 6)
- Stay Away (take 9)
- Stay Away (take 13)
- Stay Away (take 14)
- Stay Away (take 15, undubbed master)
- Stay Away (Jerry Reed guitar overdub, take 1)
- Stay Away (overdubbed master)
- Stay Away (takes 1,2a, jam, 3-5,7,8,10-12)
- U.S. Male (take 10)
- U.S. Male (take 11b)
- U.S. Male (take 12 master)
- U.S. Male (takes 1-9,11a)
- Wings Of An Angel
Label |
Homemade |
Release |
none |